Thursday, 7 April 2011

my head is spinning

I have in a tizz the last two weeks so much to get done before we fly to visit my parents and I don't think I have gotten half the things done that need to be done. We have had craft nights at school, school meetings, birthdays (Matt's), anniversaries (our tenth), Mothering Sunday, bank appointments and running around like headless chickens... spin, spin, spin.

I have still managed to do some junking, thrifting and a bit of crafting. I have made a few cards and some doll/monster making that has calmed me and made me stop and enjoy that rare gift of English springtime. The sun has even been out for a visit so I have got to grab a little bit of sunshine here and there to make me feel like I have finally stepped out of the winter blues.

My blog was visited by the Appliances Online Fairy Hobmother who stalks the blogsphere gifting bloggers with amazon vouchers asking for people to visit their website and looking at their cookers.Yes it is marketing, but I believe it's relevant to my blog or I would not have considered accepting the gift of an Amazon voucher or blogging about the Fairy Hobmother, but they are a shop selling kitchen appliances and I spend a huge amount of time in the kitchen and blogging about my baking.

Ian the Fairy Hobmother (Yes I know it should be the Fairy HobFather but apparently that makes people think of horseheads in the fridge and cement filled cooking pots which is a shame as the Fairy Hobfather would be ace) was very nice and says when I have blogged about the Fairy HobMother he will choose someone who comments to get a voucher for themselves.

I think in today's hard time you take what you are offered and keep giving back to others. I'm not a famous blogger, I'm just me but if in blogging about the Fairy Hobmother and someone else gets gifted with a voucher who am I to say no? I am cooking, and baking all the time, and if I could afford it I would have a fancy schmancy kitchen filled with all the latest gadgets and doodahs you can imagine. Its amazing how something small and nice can make a day that much better.

I think it's time for a coffee break now. Don't you? So I'm putting the coffee maker on and sitting out in the garden to enjoy the magnolia tree and the cherry blossoms and daffodils.


  1. Happy anniversary! I hope you have a great trip back home too!
    As for the Fairy hobfather or hobmother giving vouchers for kitchen appliances, who wouldn't love that?! Please pick me!

  2. Fairy Hobfather sounds so cute! What wonderous gifts would he grant? A magic sprinkler to cover everything you make in fairy sprinkles? I want one of those please!

    Gherkin x


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