picnic plan update: Its been a manic few weeks here with awards, organizing the school summer fair and more things than I can remember to blog at this moment in time. A few interested bloggers, twitter-ers have said that they are free to come play on Mondays or Wednesdays so I'm going to call the shots and say:
Picnic Blog/Tweet Up
Where: Chatsworth Grounds
(meeting near the car park on the grass near the trees leading up to the shops)
When: Monday the 8th of August
Time: From 11am-4pm (ish)
What to bring: a picnic, the kids, craft work in progress bag if you want to sit and sew/knit/sketch while picnic-ing and chatting. Cake works too but is not essential as Chatsworth has excellent cake and coffee.
Nothing is set in stone I figured this would be as flexible as possible with many different people coming from all over the place. I just thought it would be great to have a little get together. I may possibly be mad, as I like many of you I'm an anti-social introvert, But I have met quite a few bloggers and twitter people and so far we have all got on like a house on fire.
Any Questions?
that is a really good secret keeper, i think my boy would like this idea too :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so jealous - I'd love to come to the picnic and say 'hi' in the Real World! Bit too far from Kent. Have a fab day, hope the sun shines on beautiful Chatsworth for you!