Thursday, 8 March 2012

So I'm a bad blogger...again

You have probably figured that out already by the lack of any frequent posts for pretty much all of winter. Spring is coming and in two and a half weeks time we all go on holiday to visit my parents in the wilds of northern Idaho. I am so looking forward to getting away and seeing my folks and running around drinking too much coffee and buying tons of candy, Old Navy clothes and roaming around yard and estate sales. In the mean time I have a hell of a lot of organizing to do and for some reason the next few weeks are ridiculously busy.

I haven't been crafting though I have been routing through my craft supplies and have set out some fabric for a couple of dolls. I plan on sorting out a craft kit to take with me for crafting on the plane and in the car. Hopefully after our little vacation I will find my crafty mojo again and actually do a proper amount of crafting. One can hope anyway. Today I get my hair cut short so I best hustle and get some tidying done before the afternoon is over with. I may need more coffee to get me through it....I definitely need coffee to get me through tidying the house.. So this is me mooching to the kitchen to put the coffee machine on and I'm going to drink my coffee and go play with the buttons and fabric sitting on my desk. Can't get much better than coffee and vintage buttons can you?


  1. Mmmm, I can relate to the winter thing, I've done very little since Christmas, and January and February seem to have passed me by! Have a wonderful time in Idaho and soak up some lovely sunshine. I look forward to seeing some photos from your trip.

  2. Your trip home sounds like just the ticket to get your creative juices moving again. Enjoy the coffee, and Old Navy! Loving the new hair, btw!

  3. enjoy visiting your folks!

  4. I'm glad you're heading home soon! Home is always a great place to visit and lift your spirits. Have a great time with your family and the doggies!
    I can't wait to see the haircut. How short is short?

  5. Winter is difficult, don't be hard on yourself. We all need some time out from the world now and again. Hope you enjoy your holiday and take comfort that your readers will be here when you get back because we love your work.


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