Today nothing much has happened I had good intentions to finish off winterising the garden but that didn't happen, I planned to make a Lemon Drizzle Cake for MNWI ( mumsnet womens institute) and take a picture of it in a lovely outdoorsy setting of natural and historical significance, but we didn't really go anywhere except Asda and that is neither historical or natural, or even remotely pretty in anyway.
So what did I do aside from the usual round of dishes, laundry, and scrubbing? Well for breakfast I made chocolate chip pancakes, they were going to be fruit pancakes but as I had no fruit aside from some canned pineapple rings rusting quietly at the back of a shelf, they became chocolate chip ones. Because if you haven't got fruit you should at least have chocolate!
Later armed with some nearly over ripe, but not quite, nectarines I made an peach upside-down cake to go along with dinner. It turned out gorgeous and M says its much better than the apple version, Which I'm not quite sure about but it did turn out lovely. And for once I turned an upside-down cake over before the bottom/top stuck to the pan. The recipe I used was the same as the apple one but slightly modified, I'll write it all down tomorrow when I have more time.
Oh and the pumpkins are what H and I grew in the garden now residing on the mantle. Its nearly October after all..
I can vouch the peachcake was fabby :-)