Thursday, 6 March 2008

Death Takes a Holiday

H on the Nottingham Eye

We took the above picture in Nottingham the other day, H loved it, I was slightly less enthusiastic about beign stuck in a gondala ferris wheel on a windy day. M and I smirked and laughed about H looking like Death with his black hood on to keep out the wind. I haven't done much crafting this week but I did make this slightly gothic bracelet that i wasn't sure about until i finished it and now I think its totally fab. I'll be updating the etsy shop on monday with a few new goodies, so keep checking.

carnelian, onyx and silver bracelet


  1. There's a giant wheel in Nottingham now too??? How long's that been there? Blimey.

    H does look rather spooky with his black hood, you're right there!

    Fab bracelet, and fab swap idea - I'm in !

  2. Lovely bracelet, must get to that wheel before the end of the month! ponders if dd1 will like it?


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