Friday, 7 March 2008

Vintage Swap

The object of this swap is to create items with a vintage vibe. Take inspiration from Vintage Posters, images of old sewing patterns, vintage knitting patterns , charity shop finds, replica style fabrics.
Be inspired by old Hollywood style glamour, antiques, buttons, ribbons, colours, anything and everything that says vintage to you.
No more than £5 should be spent on procuring your crafting supplies. If you cant think of something to craft but find something that your swap partner might adore that is equally acceptable.

Please sign up and we will see how many people are interested in participating. Sign up will be from now until next Monday17th of March. We will have a month to make the crafts and can post to partners by the end of April. so leave a comment if you wish to participate and email me at
Please feel free to add any comments or inspirational ideas.


  1. I love all things vintage so count me in - great idea Meridian

  2. oh yes please i'd LOVE to join in with this swap !!

    vInTaGe VioLeT :0)

  3. i loved making the Easter swap so please count me in this one too!

  4. Sounds good fun - count me in too please

  5. I'm in I'm in I'm in (jumps up & down frantically).

  6. Oh, yes would love to. Have plenty of vintage patterns for a start off.
    Am rantinghousewife BTW

  7. I'd love to join in - have dropped you a line too, just in case

  8. Oh I definitely have some nice vintage-looking love in my stash to share! (And/or create then share.)

    LOVE to join!

    juanita at juanitatortilla dot com

    P.S. This is going to be my first swap *ever*, and I heard this from AnnieB at overmilkwood.

  9. Ooohhh! Me too!
    I'm the new girl at school and I haven't swapped before.
    This will be fun.
    Mel. x

  10. Came here by way of annieb. Would love to participate, as it sounds like alot of fun! Can't wait to get started~

  11. Swaps are so much fun and this one will be so much fun, what a great excuse to use some of my great vintage supplies! Count me in!

  12. If I am not too late I would love to join. Thank you


  13. For some reason, I'm feeling inspired by Miu Miu's latest campaign ( ) ...

    I wonder if anyone out there does too?


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