Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Gothic Necklace

onyx and garnet necklace with bali silver s clasp

I have not gotten much quality crafting time this week but have managed a few projects here and there. The above necklace I made last night in an attempt to have something to do to calm me after a tiring day of H doing that testing of boundaries that 4 year olds do. In other words he ignores everything I say then ends up in trouble or hurting himself and it all ends in fits of temper, floods of tears or unending whining that drives me up the wall. So last night while M was working on the computer I got my beads out and made this vaguely gothic necklace, it sits right at the bottom of my neck just above my collar bones, I love the s shaped silver clasp, I haven't decided to keep it or put it up in the shop yet when I update it on Friday.

The Java Jacket is for a friend, The colour is this beautiful lavender wool, and I love the huge button, which is semi recycled as I found it in a parking lot and thought I would snaffle it before a car ran over it and it would be an ex button. I tend to find lots of things, its a habit of looking at the ground to find arrowheads and things when walking in the fields with my dad when I was small. We lived in upstate New York and the Iroquois native american people had lived in the area long ago, so whenever the local farmers tilled the fields you could find arrowheads, loosely napped pieces of flint, beads, bits of pipes, and other pieces of the past. It was a game and an adventure to go for walks with my dad and see what new treasures we could discover.

lavender java jacket with wooden button detail


  1. awh, lovely...I love your story about walks with your dad. My sister lives in upstate NY now and I never realised when I visited that I should be combing the ground. She will not know what's hit her next time I go, she'll see so much of the top of my head...

  2. I love that new necklace! And I am most impressed at you sewing a brooch - it looks great!

  3. Nice childhood story there :-), necklace looks great too

  4. I love the button, and what a cool idea~


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