Thursday, 13 March 2008

Mad Flower

purple felt flower brooch

I have just finished this flower brooch made from a woolen hat that M accidentally felted in the wash. It was my favourite hat from H&M but now its a slightly mad flower coursage. Its recycled too so is part of the recycle challenge. to be continued when i have time later....

the back of said brooch with view of wonky sewing


  1. lovely - really lovely...if you keep this up you'll need to buy yourself some proper brooch backs...they make all the difference

  2. oh that is great - what a lovely colour! & well done to your husband for the felting process!!!!!

    vInTaGe VioLeT

  3. Very pretty!

    The sewing on this one looks a lot tidier than the previous one.

    Some suggestions as alternatives to sewing would be snap on brooch backs, or perhaps using a hot glue gun to attach the pin as well as the felt cover?

    Another possibility is to use a needle to felt the two pieces together seamlessly. You can get felting needles relatively cheaply for this purpose, just google on 'needle felting'.

  4. well done meri - that looks great!


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