Monday, 18 August 2008

Moving Day

Today is moving day, we move across town to a bigger house with a drive, a jungle of a garden, that I may nead Indian Jones to hack at with a machete... or at least H to have a go with one of his many lightsabers. I many not post much for a few days but when I do there will be a giveaway because the very next post is my 250th!
see you soon!


  1. hope it all goes ok today! I'll keep my beady eyes peeled for a giveaway...I LOVE a giveaway!

  2. Hope the move is going well. Would love to help with your garden. All this apartment living makes me yearn for a garden..... Giveaway. Yikes!

  3. I hope all is going well in your new pad!

  4. i hope the move went smoothly and you're all settled and feel at home already in your new (very posh sounding) new pad xxxx

  5. Good luck with the move! I love the house picture at the the top of the post! You're a talent!
    Congrats on your 250th post!

  6. congratulations! your new house sounds wonderful...hope move went smoothly

    Love those embroideries you've been doing of late...the words light and bushel spring to mind!!!


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