Friday, 15 August 2008

The Poison Apple Tree

the poison apple tree

The tree grows on the Isle of Sorrows
Limbs black as starless night
Apples red as rubies.
Bitter flesh white as the sun.
Black seeds glinting obsidian tears.
A beautiful poison.

First of all I never ever said I was a poet if you are grumbling about my waxing un-lyrical but these words kept swirling around in my head so I wrote them. I'm really please with the embroidery, I know its only small but its the perfect representation of my little poison apple tree, I love the curling swirling limbs, she has no leaves because she is poison, and bears only deadly fruit.
We move next week, next Tuesday in fact, so I need to go get packing and organizing. When I have longer I will blog the fantastic goodies I received for the russian doll swap with Anna, as the pictures I tried to take look rubbish laid out on bubble wrap. Bact to packing boxes for me.
happy crafting!


  1. I like it & what a poem....very dark!

  2. That is absolutely beautiful.
    I think you can tick the 'sewing' box now!!

  3. Like every man and his dog I know, I owe you an email. :D Your embroidery work is gorgeous. Honestly I love the simplicity. Makes me think of that Quacker standard, which is one of my favourite tunes. :D Glad you liked the package. (Sighs a huge relief). :Ds Anna

  4. What a cute embroidered tree!
    And your poem is great,I agree with Whizzz...very dark.
    Miss california you say?
    I would gladly trade you...Oh to be in beautiful England(never been).
    I have dreamt many a dream of someday visiting since I was 14.
    One day I supose,oneday.

  5. Very beautiful little tree. I love the use of buttons as fruit.

  6. Well, that is just gorgeous! The black stitching is really effective! :D

  7. so beautiful! the poem is magical. best of luck to you on your move this upcoming week! i really hate moving, all the packing and cleaning, yuck.

    thanks so much for the kind words on my blog
    i can't put into words how much that means to me! :)

  8. Great embroidery and poem! I think there is a fairytale in this. That tree and poem could easily be in a story.

  9. Just stumbled upon this, and wanted to say that it's a beautiful little embroidery (and the poem compliments it well!).


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