Total number of books owned: um a few hundred here, and probably the same amount at my parents.
Last book bought: the last Laurell K Hamilton, Meredeth Gentry novel
Last book read: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
Book that means the most to you: Stephen King's The Stand, one of my favourite books from when I was 12 or 13 my Dad gave it to me to read and I have read it 3 or 4 times unabridged.
Book you re-read time and time again? The Stand is one, but there are quite a few I have read again and again, A thousand Words for Stranger by Julie E. Czerneda, Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M Auel. more but I can't think of the titles right now.
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Graphic, or Horror? Sci fi, fantasy and horror (I have been quite addicted by Urban Fantasy/horror recently) and I am reading my first graphic
Hardback or Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback? can I say all? it depends on the book and author, I prefer to hold a paperback, but sometimes I want a new book so badly that I will buy it hardback.
Heinlein or Asimov? Asimov, but to be honest I haven't read as much of their works as I should.
Amazon or real book shop? real, there is nothing better than wandering around a real bookshop, I love the smell of new books, and of old books too, add a cafe and I'm in heaven.
Borders or Waterstones? Borders as its American and smells almost the same as Borders in the states, *sad geek*
Hitchhiker or Discworld? Hitchhiker as I haven't read Discworld (Frizbe says she will bring me some)
Bookmark or Dogear? bookmark! though my favourite bookmarks are empty giftcards from Old Navy
Alphabetize by author, by title or random? vaguely by author, but most of my books are in the attic and not in a book case (I working on that though)
Keep, recycle or Sell? keep, occasionally I will trade in books I wasn't blown away by, and sometimes I lend/give them to friends. (I promise I will send you those books soon Flame)
Keep dust jacket or toss it? Keep
Read with dust jacket or remove it? remove it while reading, but carry it around with me and recover the book when I put it down for the night.
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? not read either, though I did watch the Lemony Snicket movie and thought it was much more fun and dark then whingy old Harry.
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks? I try for chapter breaks, but most of the time I just leave my bookmark card under a paragraph break.
"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?" once upon a dark and stormy night!
Buy or Borrow? buy *mine mine mine*
What makes you buy a book, reviews, recommendation or browse? browsing more often than not, I like to look at the book, at the cover read the back and read the first sentance/paragraph/page that is what buys the book for me.
Lewis or Tolkien? Tolkien, only because I have read Lord of the rings and not finished Alice in Wonderland (its on my list I have the book and only used through the looking glass for my art)
Hard SF or Space Opera? Space Opera, I don't mind some Hard Sci-fi but sometimes its a bit much and you loose the store in the science.
Tidy ending or Cliffhanger? tidy.. I hate when you read a book and get to the end and its a to be contined in the next 75 books, book 2 due out in 3 years time. argh
Morning reading, Afternoon reading or Nighttime reading? nighttime
Standalone or Series? both,
Urban fantasy or high fantasy? both, though I have been reading more urban fantasy lately
New or used? both
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard? A thousand Words for Stranger by julie E Czerneda, noone I know but me has very read it.
Favorite genre books read last year? Urban Horror/dark Fantasy
Favorite genre books of all time? Fantasy
Favorite genre series? laurell k Hamilton's Anita Blake books (the first 3, and a few in the middle and the last one, some of them are pulp inbetween*
Favorite genre short stories? fantasy/horror ...occasional fanfics.
How have you not read any discworld? {baffled}
ReplyDeleteI was into more heavy duty horror and fantasy in school.. detouried into some historical romances (and a few sci-fi ones) when I was 18 or so.. then drifed back into horror and dark fantasy and urgan fantasy the past few years... I don't know how I never read disc world.. but i only read hitchhikers as It was a gift.. don't know why I never pick up the comedy stuff..
ReplyDeleteI just finished the Graveyard Book, too. I thought it was so good!