Thursday, 19 March 2009

This is me

Ok there I am with my new haircut, looking vaguely worried as I hate having my photo taken which you would think is odd as M is a professional photographer. Anyway its me, and now you know dear readers what I look like and stop imagining me as a.) skinny b.) of the twinset and pearls variety(Lilylola) c.) cool in anyway possible ( as the glasses show I'm a total geek. )

now that I have revealed my picture to you, I must dash out to the post depot to collect a parcel, drop books back at the library, go to the actual post office to send a parcel, buy some more dried lavender, drop off some sewn lavender sachets at the framing Gallery... I best get a move on because I need to make time for coffee as well!


  1. Hang on a minute...I wear glasses, am I a geek? ;)

    I think you're lovely, and your new hair looks great.

  2. Who you callin' geek? *nudges specs up the bridge*


    Well, congrats on this big step of "revealing" yourself! Always good to put a face behind these words :)

  3. I didn't say being a geek was a bad thing.. normally I revel in my geekiness.. or at least wallow in it a bit. :P

  4. You look like a cool geek!

    (Is that insulting? It was meant as a compliment....)

    I think I owe you an email from ages back {blush}

  5. I always wanted glasses. In fact I have been known to peer into opticians' windows to eye up (forgive the pun) the face furniture on offer.

    And I may have worn beautiful tortiseshell-ish frames with plain glass in as a teenager - I shouldn't like to say ;-)

  6. you look fabulous m'dear. totally cool I reckon. and Geeks Rock!

  7. Nice picture, I love putting a face to a name! I was inspired by your bravery and posted a 'me' pic on my blog today too...

  8. I say you look very cool - lovely haircut - fringe I am dreaming about, fantastic glasses - well some shy smile and you got my sympathy (even I liked you already ;) )

  9. Gorgeous pic and I love your hair colour!

  10. Lovely to put a face and name together. you look fab, so sorry could not spot geek. ;)

  11. Hieee there! Lovely photo... you look pretty! Love to you!

  12. Great haircut and I'm with Katy, I wear glasses too but prefer contacts! Glasses don't make a geek. Besides with all your talent you can't be a geek!


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