Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Clarence the cat

say cheese!

Meet Clarence the Halloween Cat! He is a little bit shy but fancies himself a wildlife photographer...

Whoa... dude did you see that?

the only problem is he has this tendency to eat the mice he is supposed to be taking pictures of....His ambition is to have a coffee table book of nocturnal creatures. Unfortunately Clarence is deathly afraid of bats, owls, moths and spiders....

does my bum look big with this ribbon?

Did I mention Clarence is terribly vain, and likes to bathe in a mixture of coffee, vanilla and cinnamon?


  1. awww i like clarence - he looks a bit of a worrier!

  2. aww! I love,love,love him!!!!!

  3. Hi clarence, you're very cute!

    I couldn't make cuddlies to sell, cos I'd want to keep them ALL!

  4. Mmmm... I'm sure I can smell Clarence all the way over here! Yum!

  5. love the comment about the bum. He is so sweet and I love the primitive look that you are doing. Especially the candy corn.


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