Thursday, 17 September 2009

off the cuff

fabric wrist cuff...although it would look stellar on a coffee cuff
mmmm coffee... where was I?

In my further adventures of not doing the things I should be doing, I made this little fabric wrist cuff. What exactly I should be doing I have no idea, perhaps you can tell me, because I haven't got a clue. I have seen wrists cuffs on etsy (some pretty and some very expensive) , and looked at a tutorial that was sort of triangle shaped and that seemed not quite right. Then I thought I would just have a play around with whatever scraps of fabric were currently breeding dust bunnies on my desk.

it is slightly more even than it appears..
the book kept folding up on me...honest

The fantastic alphabet fabric was sent to me by the brilliant, talented and funny (funny ha ha not funny peculiar...although come to think of it...nevermind...) Jodie (of Ric-Rac infamy), yeah that one, and if you don't know her blog, get your bum over and have a look are her creations, with or without the mad scientist laughter. Anyhoo I think I may have lost the plot...I think I best go find a new one or at least a slightly used plot to upcycle into something else.

is it just me or does the big button look like a record?


  1. Yes the button does indeed look like a record, so you're not quite going totally bonkers :-) interesting concept, I can see you wearing it :-)

  2. Lovely scraps and cuff. Nothing beats making stuff when you should be doing something else!

  3. Yep - definitely a record (They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha Ha! Perhaps?) The cuff is gorgeous, love the beautiful colours. Going to check out that blog now.

  4. yes it does look like a record and yes I am a bit funny/crazy...however did you guess???

  5. i really really love that cuff and yes it looks like a record!


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