Sunday, 10 January 2010

ipod cozy prototype

ipod cozy prototype

Whereby the definition of prototype is total FAIL...
ok it's not that bad but it is wonky. I made it for Matt for Christmas... well I gave it to him before Christmas as I completely lost faith in my abilities to craft at the time. This wasn't my only craftastrophy in recent weeks, and it isn't THAT bad but I had wanted it perfect.. so back to the drawing board and I will try again later this week.

The coffee cup was stamped with fabric paint with a lino tile I cut awhile back. If nothing else it did make Matt laugh so better than nothing eh?
OK I'm freezing and I need coffee before I can type anymore.


  1. I Love it! :o) It's a little raw but that's Design! The print is awesome, the colours go perfectly & it's unique!

    Give the size a tweak so it's more snugly :o) Maybe pad the case out a bit for protection.. and P00f!

    Groovy ipod cozy (^_^)

    I'm in the middle of making my first cosy too - i have a feeling it's going to be one of those amazing disasters!

    I hope you'll do more!

  2. Keep going , this doesn't look like a fail at all - it looks like a prototype....

  3. Hey Apryl :o) Thankyou for your comment!

    hehe.. i 'collect' journals too (^_^)

    it takes me all my time to use them though, im always so scared of messing them up!

    I'd love it if you entered! (when i finally get around to doing it!) no need for bells and whistles, i've always believed in 'less is more' :o)

    Thankyou Again! x

  4. I love this idea! And I agree with Chloe, I love that it looks rustic and raw. Keep at it, you'll figure it out! :) Also, thanks so much for the kind words on my last post. I have those same feelings sometimes too... I really need to focus on making things that I love and not worrying too much about being a "cool kid". :)


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