Thursday, 14 January 2010

Meri's Got a Brand New Laptop

Today a little man knocked on the door, grumbled something that vaguely resembled "Sign 'ere on the dots...grunt." so I signed on the dotted line and he gave me a box containing a brand new laptop of my very own. I didn't know it was coming as Santa didn't bring me a laptop for Christmas and Matt kept say non-committal things like 'When the next sale is on.' and 'We'll look in a bit another night.' He didn't tell me so I had no idea that I was actually getting one anytime soon. squeeeeeeeee

I now have to figure it all out as I haven't got a clue. I need to add itunes and find all the stuff stored on the old hard-drive. But I feel so happy. Matt is brilliant and I'm very lucky to have him. And I can't wait to write something worth reading on here but I'm to happy now and I'm off to play. la la la la la


  1. whoop whoop!! congratulations- I hope you and Dell-boy have a long and happy relationship together! xx

  2. You definitely got yourself a sweet man!

  3. What a brilliant surprise. However did he keep that one quiet? :P

  4. Ooh yey- lucky thing! I have one of those in the picture but mine is red :)

  5. Wonderful! I heart my computer too (especially now I have worked out how to do the really technical things like sync my ipod and upload photos, lol!)

  6. What a fab gift! And a surprise none the less. I would have been over the moon. So lovely that he is spoiling you like you deserve.


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