Monday, 18 January 2010

Parenting you're doing it right when...

Last night when I was cooking dinner, Cajun Chicken wraps, and H was helping me take the ends of the green beans I put my ipod in the docking station and turned up the music.

the Boy: This is my favourite.

me: the Foo Fighters?

the Boy: Yeah the Foo Fighters. This is my favourite song.

Me: It's called The Pretender.

the Boy: Yeah, the Foo Fighters rock. (cue dancing before returning to cutting the ends off the green beans)

Me: What are your other favourites?

Boy: You can only have two favourites.

Me: oh OK.

the Boy: Smoke on the Water

Me: Deep Purple

the Boy: yeah I know Deep Purple.... Smoke on the Water....You Know it's about a hotel on fire? It's awesome! Can we listen to the Blues now? I like the blues.

Me: later we can, I'm cutting up the chicken now.

the Boy: oh

He wandered off after that, the green beans sufficiently murdered, leaving me grinning as I cut up the rest of the chicken. We must be doing something right in the Boy's musical education!


  1. Funny you should say that... I just played the Foos vid and E started dancing away behind me.

  2. he he! the other day i had skunk anansie on LOUD and N was dancing like a proper mad man and then started playing air guitar! *proud*

  3. Mine are into Alice Cooper! Proud doesn't even cover it ;)

  4. LOL, that's hilarious! Mine are into x-factor fodder and Taylor Swift (rolls eyes)

  5. Well, Fluffy, my 4-legged fluffy son enjoys sleeping to the classical radio station. But that doesn't count, does it?

    Ah, my Foo Fighter days. Love the "There is nothing left to lose" album. Am going to put it on, right now.

  6. My two are definitely Joss Whedon fans and love Dr. Horrible. And Nightmare before Christmas. We sing "This is Halloween" in the car months after October 31st has past.

  7. *smiles* Yes, definitely fabulous! My five children create quite an eclectic taste of music in the house. My funniest child is the one in the middle, at nine years old, she only ever listens to classical music. With the added ballet moves through the house... :)

    Love the new banner on your blog too!

  8. Hehe. Brodie appears to be quite into drum n bass (thanks to her father) but both she and Devin love rock music. I keep catching him singing Guns n Roses in the bathroom.

  9. stopped by to see if you were hosting another owl swap and found your youtube video! oh thank you for that trip down memory lane. LOVE Deep Purple....and yes, you ARE doing something right with the boy's musical education! :-)


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