Monday, 26 April 2010

shhhh I'm reading...

Moon Called by Patricia Briggs
Blurb at the back of the book: 'I didn't realize he was a werewolf at first. My nose isn't at its best when surrounded by axle grease and burnt oil ...' Mercedes Thompson runs a garage in the Tri-Cities. She's a mechanic, and a damn good one, who spends her spare time karate training and tinkering with a VW bus that happens to belong to a vampire. Her next-door neighbour is an alpha werewolf - literally, the leader of the pack. And Mercy herself is a shapeshifter, sister to coyotes. As such, she's tolerated by the 'wolves but definitely down the pecking order. As long as she keeps her eyes down and remembers her place, the pack will leave her in peace. Hardly a normal situation, but then, Mercy Thompson is not exactly normal herself...and her connection to the world of things that go bump in the night is about to get her into a whole lot of trouble.

Last Book Read before going on holiday I have a weakness for Urban Fantasy, and this was a great book. My friend Marina loaned it to me and the next two after it as well.

Book taken on holiday: Neil Gaiman's Fragile Things: Short Fictions and Wonders. I started reading in the car on the way to our hotel near Heathrow (obviously Matt was driving if you are worried about such things) I finished the book at my parents' house in Idaho. I enjoyed reading some of the stories, a few real gems that made you stop and think about the possibilities of things and the magic in the everyday. A few were a bit clunky but it was still an interesting walk around Gaiman's mind and I enjoyed reading the introduction and the brief blurbs about where the stories began.

Monster by A. Lee Martinez
cover blurb: Meet Monster. Meet Judy. Two humans who don't like each other much, but together must fight dragons, fire-breathing felines, trolls, Inuit walrus dogs, and a crazy cat lady - for the future of the universe.

Monster runs a pest control agency. He's overworked and has domestic troubles - like having the girlfriend from hell.

Judy works the night shift at the local Food Plus Mart. Not the most glamorous life, but Judy is happy. No one bothers her and if she has to spell things out for the night-manager every now and again, so be it.

But when Judy finds a Yeti in the freezer aisle eating all the Rocky Road, her life collides with Monster's in a rather alarming fashion. Because Monster doesn't catch raccoons; he catches the things that go bump in the night. Things like ogres, trolls, and dragons.

Oh, and his girlfriend from Hell? She actually is from Hell.

Read while in Idaho, at my parents, in coffee shops, on the way to yard sales and misnomered Estate Sales. I loved the book, just the right mix of humor, fantasy, a fast paced, light read. I left the book for my dad to read as we alread had a ton of goodies to bring back with us.

A Lee Martinez's Too Many Curses

blurb: A magical castle, an utterly wicked wizard named Margle, and Nessy, a kobold who tends the castle, lead the way in this diabolical story of good triumphing over evil. The many residents, all of whom have been cursed by Margle, include a hanged man in the library, Decapitated Dan, unmanned armor, chatty gargoyles, a loyal fruit bat, a silver-polishing gnome, and the very important Door at the End of the Hall. Soon after the wizard dies when one of his curses goes awry, Nessy realizes that the castle is falling apart, and it is her job to bring about order.

Read at the airport while waiting to see how much longer our return flight would be delayed (6 hours) but we did get home on the day we were meant to. Finished the book a few days ago, it was a fast paced, geekily enjoyable book.

Vampire a Go Go by Victor Gischler

next book on the pile on my nightstand.. technically I started reading it before we went on holiday but as Marina lent it to me I didn't want to take it for fear of damaging it or forgetting it in Idaho.

Pride Prejudice and Zombies by Sethe Grahame-Smith

the next next book on my stack of books to read is Pride Prejudice and Zombies, which was my Christmas present from Matt but I just haven't gotten around to starting it just yet.

other books bought while away Wreck this Journal (bought from the Barns and Noble in Santa Rosa, my old stomping ground while hanging out with Meg my best friend from my school day).. I had wanted this journal a year ago but put it back on the shelf as I bought a bunch of sci-fi/fantasy/urban fantasy/horror type books already and was getting too short on space. Matt has flicked through it and shook his head at me, I think it will be a fun exercise in creativity and doing things I would not normally do with a book.. like cracking the spine *winces*.

Flea Market Style Magazine- yes I know it's a magazine not a book but I found it very inspirational and have flicked through it twice (once at Spokane Airport and once as SFO )

I love Patchwork: 25 Irrestistable Zakka Projects to sew by Rashida Coleman-Hale --I haven't read through it properly but I bought the book at the The Kinokuniya Bookstore in Japan Town Mall in San Francisco. I was going to buy a Japanese book but decided on this one as it would be a good read instead of just something to look at.

what are you reading?

p.s. I will update with some holiday photos and babble on about what we did on our three weeks away in California and Idaho but Matt is still messing about editing the pictures and we are still a bit jetlagged... and in dire need of vast quantities of coffee and sugar to keep functioning at a semi-normal level.

Also I have no idea why this is italicized it just is and I cant change it and am too rusty at html to even try. *glares at blogger*


  1. I love posts like this! I'm always on the look out for new books and some of these sound really good :) Glad you got heaps of time to read xx

  2. I bought Wreck this Journal a few weeks ago and am really enjoying working my way through it.

    Your reading tastes seem to be fairly similar to mine so I'm away to stick some of those books on my Amazon wishlist.

  3. These ALL look really good. Pride, Predjudice and Zombies is on my Amazon wishlist already, I'll have to add those others. I just finished reading the last novel in my Sookey Stackhouse/True Blood box set last night. What am I going to do now?? *sob, sob* Oh I know, go buy the last one that wasn't in the set ;)


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