Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Frank the Owl

Say hello to little Frank the Owl, short for Frankenstin for his wonky stitching (actually delibratly wonky), I started Frank months ago and had a complete crisis of crafting ability so he sat half stuffed in a tin on my desk. I had originally intended to make him for Jodie who sent me some lovely font-y fabric scraps (such as the scrap on Frank's bottom). The owl didn't go so well and i abandoned him because I doubted my ability and was afraid if I sent him he just wouldn't be good enough (especially as Jodie is so fantastically talented and deserved something equally fantastic in return for the card and scraps she sent me.)

Jodie I promise I will sent something soon...

Now that I actually feel like I can craft again, it was a very long winter and I finally feel like being creative again. Now if only the sewing machine fairy would come and turn my tinker toy into a real sewing machine. *looks pointedly at the calender and Matt humming Happy Birthday*

I have no idea why the photos are off to the left, they were for the previous post but I clicked on center and they are not remotely in the center of the blog post. I have burgers to make, and pasta salad too, so I best get going and enjoy the nice weather while it lasts!

p.s. Frank is in the little Magnolia tree in the garden next to the summer/play house.

Frank's bottom.


  1. Oh he is so sweet! I like the reason why you chose his name :o)

  2. Frank is fabulous, and I'm glad you've got your creative mojo back.

    I hope the Sewing Machine Fairy pays you a visit very soon. :-D

  3. nice arse Frank!
    you know what i bet Jodie would love Frank - you are wrong to doubt your ability and i know that as i am a proud owner of a Meridian Ariel needlebook :o)

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