tommorow while H is at preschool I will be updating the etsy shop, as well as painting, crafting, and baking. busy day.
teal czech glass beaded bracelet

tommorow while H is at preschool I will be updating the etsy shop, as well as painting, crafting, and baking. busy day.
teal czech glass beaded bracelet
Raspberry and Strawberry Short Cake
2 cups self raising flour
1 ¼ cups caster sugar
½ cup butter or margarine (softened)
¾ cup milk
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
1 cup Whipping cream
1 or 2 tbl powdered sugar
1 cup raspberries
½ cup strawberries (sliced)
Preheat the oven to 375 F
Beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
Then add half of the flour to the butter beating well.
Add half the milk and beat well then add the eggs one at a time.
Add the rest of the flour then the remaining milk and the vanilla mixing till smooth.
Fill two greased and floured cake pans half full and bake for 25 to 35 minutes.
When the cake has cooled whip the cream and if desired fold in a small amount of icing sugar. Crush the raspberries with a fork and sweeten with powdered sugar as needed, and place between the two cake rounds. Ice the cake with the whipping cream then place the strawberries gently onto the cream.
cooks notes: it was supposed to be Strawberry Short Cake, as that is what I promised the kids (we were babysitting Frizbe's daughters), but I had three strawberries, and the Co-op had no nice fresh fruit what so ever so I bought some frozen raspberries. As I forgot to actually defrost them slowly I decided they would be the centre layer of the cake and smooshed them with a fork. Yes that is a technical cookery term. I could have used jam but as the cake is already sweet I didn't want the kids to be buzzing about the ceiling. By all accounts the cake was very good. with my 3 little strawberries sliced as thinly as possible on top.
apatite and snowflake quartz bracelet
Today I managed to make these three bracelets, which I love, I might be addicted to that lovely shade of teal that the apatite beads are. Teal is such a great colour and I would probably have as much teal in my wardrobe as possible, if M wouldn't object, I would say it is probably my second favourite colour, purple being first.
In other news I have been saddened over the news of Heath Ledger's untimely death, he was a good actor with so much potential. H's favourite movie is A Knight's Tail and I don't think I will watch it again without a feeling sad.
Not a lot has happened this weekend, I knit two java jackets, with a third half done and I made the blue apatite stone beaded bracelet below. The colour is this gorgeous teal blue, I found the beads at Spellbound Beads in Lichfield on Saturday. It was a lovely bead shop, lots and lots of beads to choose from, and nice to be able to see real stone beads and handle them in person as you don't always know what you are getting when you order online. Which can sometimes be a pleasant surprise. I coveted the apatite beads as soon as i found the string, I just have to have them even though I had already spent my supposed shopping money on a beautiful rutilated quartz pendant from Kizon Jewellery. Its a great little jewellery shop in Lichfield and I always buy more than my husband would like. Normally I just hand over the item and say its for my birthday/mother's day/Valentines/Christmas so he can't complain too much.
As for the bead shop the only complaint I have is that they sold most of the semi-precious beads on strings only which meant that I could not afford most of the more expensive stones because £37.50 is just too far out of my budget, though I could have stretched to buy a half dozen of the beads. Maybe if the Etsy shop does well then I might be able to have a play with the gorgeous beads they had on display.
In other news I had my very first item sold on Etsy, the Madison smoky quartz bracelet in the previous posting! *happy dance* I'm off to the post office next to send it out. And later if I can get any decent photos I will add the java jackets and the apatite bracelet to the shop.
Now as to the post title.. guilty displeasure... last night M and I indulged in the essence of couch potato-dom... we sat and watched American Idol.. the auditions with the weirdos naturally... well he sat and grinned while I hid my face because I can only watch so much cringworthness... much to M's utter amusement on many occasions of watching comedy movies... I can sit through any horror movie just fine (well maybe not those Ring movies as they just not pleasant viewing), but make me watch some embarrassing scene and I'm cowering in the corner.
and to go with our cultural devolution our viewing was accompanied by Ben and Jerry's Half baked ice-cream, if you are going to fall form grace you should do it with style. or chocolate at the very least.
blue apatite bead bracelet
handmade plush pug by GingerMonkey
I want to say a big thank you to the lovely and extremly talented GingerMonkey for making the adorable little pug dog that I requested in exchange for one of my bracelets. Its for my mother's birthday next month. (please don't tell daddy) The pug is great and I know that my mother will love it. Below is the sketch I did to explain what I wanted and I coulden't have asked for a better end product, seeing as I can't sew to save my life and GM is uber talented at softie making. So if you haven't been please go have a peep at GingerMonkey 's blog and her etsy shop too.. and while you are there have a peep at my shop too!
my pug sketch
Today I have also been hard at work creating two garnet bracelets for Dior my very first order! Which I'm quiet excited about even if its not through my shop. I hope she likes them. Off to go take H to the library and get some packaging to keep the bracelets safe when I send them out.
I've not done much crafting as I have a bit of a cold and am waiting on an order of beads but I will be adding this bracelet to the shop as well as the java jacket that I knit while in Idaho, I hope to try to knit a few more to add to the shop, that have to be more people out there addicted to coffee than just me and M... right? and its environmentally friendly to not take the cardboard one that is offered.
Ooh I have just been distracted by the postman bringing me beads and a package from GingerMonkey!
white onyx and chinese painted bracelet
I managed to make the two bracelets this morning while H was comatose curled up on M's lap watching the wonder of "How It's Made" on the discovery channel, it was swords and clocks so it was very very good. M has promised to take some "Proper" pictures of my bracelets with a "proper" camera for my forthcoming Etsy shop. He thinks its a good idea, and is considering doing something with his pictures too.
Although the image quality isn't too great I think this bracelet looks great, I'm a big fan of labrodorite I love the flare of luminious blues, as the light plays against the beads.
Not as vibrant an colourful a fluorite as the beautiful set of jewelry Whizz made recently but these beads are very lovely and delicately coloured none the less.
I just finished making this about ten minutes ago and love the play of light on the garnet and pearl together. Its a delicate and small bracelet but I'm so in love with the simplicity of how things can be lovely and not terribly fussy and overly complicated. not that complicated is always a bad thing, except maybe for me trying to understand a knitting pattern.
more posts to come soon but off to Belper today for lunch at Fresh Basil and for H to play and Chucklebutties soft play centre... oh and did I mention that there just happens to be a bead shop in Belper? ;o)