Friday, 24 December 2010
Merry Christmas
Monday, 20 December 2010
a little window

Friday, 17 December 2010
I may have overdone it with the edible glitter
Thursday, 16 December 2010
sugar and spite

Saturday, 11 December 2010
brown paper parcels

Monday, 6 December 2010
the one where I swear via a typewriter and badges
Sunday, 5 December 2010
pie chips and a mind lost
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
rogue robin
Today was just a normal day...a normal day where I got brained by a rogue robin.
Monday, 29 November 2010
May the Geek be With You II
Saturday, 27 November 2010
The fourth Doctor

Thursday, 25 November 2010
Sour Cream Cherry Cake

Saturday, 20 November 2010
Coconut and Almond Bark
Thursday, 11 November 2010
To Idaho and Beyond
to be continued.....
Saturday, 6 November 2010
by the fire...
Friday, 5 November 2010
errant blogger returns and eight questions
Back home again from our Halloween visit to my parents' home in the wilds of Idaho. I will blog about that later as first I started a post about being tagged by Ali, from the lovely Very Berry Handmade blog, just before we went away.
1. What do you enjoy about blogging?
I love the friendships blogging has brought and the inspiration.. but for me I like to get the ideas out of my head and weather they are read or not there are there in the world of the internets.
2. What’s your ideal holiday?
If not the holiday we just had to visit my parents in Idaho.. the probable the previous holiday in April when we got to visit with friends California as well as my parents in Idaho. I don't do beach holidays, sitting baking in the sun for two weeks is no fun, I like to visit friends, go thrifting, estate sale-ing, drink gallons of coffee in various coffee houses and explore cities.. and play with my parents pack of pugs.
3. What is your favourite comfort food?
either my dad's cooking with is fabulous... or something simple like pasta with butter and Parmesan cheese
4. What is your proudest achievement and why?
I have been really proud of the little dolls I have been making over the last few months, and writing the stories that go with them... It's something I never thought I would do but I have done and have sold several and feel amazed and proud every time one has sold.
5. What do you lose sleep over?
everything, I'm a worrier and at night my brain doesn't have an off switch so I will lie in bed for hours worrying and thinking and not being able to sleep.
6. What’s your favourite way to relax?
either curled up with a cup of fruity tea watching a show at the end of the day before going to bed...or I love to sit in a coffee shop with my journal doodling and people watching.
7. What’s your favourite film?
It depends on my mood as I have alot of film favourites. One of the films I consider a favourite is Serenity *sniffles at Wash* but I love Amelie, the Resident Evil flicks, the Last Unicorn, Labyrinth, the Lost Boys, Goonies, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and I'm very fond of very terrible monster movies.
8. Where’s your favourite place to shop online?
it depends what I'm shopping for. Recently i have really liked shopping on a few of the Amazon 'shops' to find used books that aren't in the big shops and I always love getting lost on etsy though I rarely have all the funds to buy all the things I wish for!
my eight questions:
1. What's your favourite holiday to craft for?
2. Best thing you received in a Craft swap?
3. Favourite tv show(s)?
4. What has blogging given you?
5. What has made you smile recently?
6. What are you crafting/making now?
7. What's your favourite treat?
8. Why do you blog?
I'm not going to tag anyone as I'm to tired now.. and the dose of caffeine I had at lunch time is fast wearing off. but if you read this post, leave a comment and consider yourself tagged. I will visit you and comment when I'm a bit more awake and getting over the jet lag.
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Halloween Meme
the wind blows bitter through the last of the autumn leaves, time to huddle by the fire a spell, clutching a cup of steaming tea (coffee or cider you choose your poison) soon all manner of ghosts and goblins will be ranging the streets in search of sickeningly sweet treats.
The Halloween Meme
What is your favorite work of horror fiction? I'm quite addicted to the Anita Blake, and Sookie Stackhouse series which I suppose are technically paranormal romance/urban fantasy/gothic... I love Neil Gaiman's novels too... and I used to obsess over the stories on tape when I was in elementary school, you know the beep turn the page ones, there used to be a couple of spooky stories I would listen to again and again. Like the one about the woman with the ribbon around her neck who tells her husband never to touch it and he does, and her head rolls off... and the one about Bluebeard ....
What is your favorite work of science fiction/fantasy?
Who is your favorite monster? hmmm Vampires or werewolves... thank god for TrueBlood having proper vampires because I can't stand that sparkly crap....sorry I dont mind reading pulp fiction but not Sparkles McGuffin.... also The Lost Boys best vampires ever.
Favourite Horror movie? ohh I love all sorts.. especially crappy ones.. nothing is more fun than being curled up in a dark room laughing your ass off at some terrible monster movie... Resident Evil (Alice kicks ass), Monster Squad, Critters, Aliens, Young Frankenstein, the Nightmare Before Christmas, Ghostbusters, Beetlejuice...... Zombieland, Day of the Dead (aka lets live forever in the mall)
What horror movie gives you the most chills? I prefer the crappier sort as the ones that really scare you never have the fun factor.
What character from any horror film would you most like to play? Alice in the Resident evil flicks... she kicks ass and survives everything... also she has really great boots and weapons.
Freddy or Jason? Freddy... I never liked the Jason movies much but would watch the freddy ones over and over.
What is your favorite Halloween treat? candy corn... dark chocolate, jelly beans, haribo sour cherries
Ghosts or goblins? depends on the Goblin I suppose some can be quite cute... or can be evil like the little bastard that pops out of the toilet in Ghoulies 2
Friendly-faced jack o’lantern or scary one? both really....I really like the elaborate ones but the best I could do was Jack Skellington last Halloween.
What is your scariest encounter with the paranormal? nothing specific but sometimes you go into a house or place and it just feels creepy.
Do you believe in ghosts? yes.. why not? there are too many things out there that we don't know about.
Would you rather be a zombie, werewolf or non-sparkly vampire? I suppose I would be a werewolf..or a vampire... though some might argue I'm already a witch before coffee in the morning. :oP
Favorite Halloween costume? as a kid I liked to be a witch, a cat, or a vampire.. I don't think things have changed all that much...though mostly I dress as a witch as I rather like my pointy hat.
Best thing about Halloween? Everything, the candy, the pumpkins, and crappy movies and just the whole thing.. I think I would live in Halloween Town if I could where everything is atmospheric and fantastic.
Person in your family who most likes Halloween (not counting yourself)? Harrison... as his birthday is at the end of October so everything is fantastic for him...and I may have trained him that Halloween is the best thing EVER...
Are you superstitious? If so, name at least one superstition of yours. not really though I sometimes play the stepping over cracks in pavement game with H.
If you have read this consider yourself tagged leave me a comment and I will trundle over to read your meme answers and hopefully remember a few more crappy horror movies to gleefully add to my list!
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
May the Geek be With You
Monday, 18 October 2010
Barnabas the Imp a Halloween Swap
Did I mention that Barnabas has a tendency to steal buttons ? *sly grin* I think he will be happy in his new home with Megan and her long as she bribes him that is.
Friday, 15 October 2010
Eye of Bat Flapjack

(maple pecan flapjack/granola bars)
2 cups porridge oats
3 tablespoons demerara sugar
3 tablespoons maple syrup
1/2 cup butter
pinch of salt
1 cup pecans ( or any nut)
glace cherries (for the bat's eyes)
set the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4

Put the butter, maple syrup and sugar into a medium sized saucepan and melt together over a very low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon. Do not let the mixture boil.
Take the pan off the heat and stir in the oats, salt, and pecans.
Spoon the mixture into the muffin tin and press down with the back of a spoon or a small glass jar.
Bake in the centre of the oven for 12- 20 minutes until golden brown.