Tangy sweet fresh raspberry icing made with real raspberries, the few that H didn't pinch that is.
thank goodness Matt rescued the rest and we have a tray of scones that Frizbe brought over this afternoon too.
But damn that evil lardy cat.
'OOOh a monster giveaway! Love it! First off congratulations on 500 posts! And thank you for sharing all your creativeness with us. I have enjoyed following your blog.'
Amarantha is a tiny little library demon. Books unwanted and unloved have a way of finding themselves in her possession. Sad lonely little books thank have no library, no bedside cabinet, no shelf to call home. Books that weep their sorrows in tears of black ink.
Amarantha dresses in gowns of newspaper and lace, with shining buttons of onyx black and heart’s blood red. She drinks only their bitter ink tears and takes their sorrows away. Amarantha dreams only in black and white. Midnight black and lace white dreams and nightmares of words and stories and book upon book. Reading you will always find her reading and singing to her books.
She loves her books, her charges and hugs them and dusts them to keep them tidy and clean on the black painted shelves in her bespelled library. She will lend you her books, but the price is high, she will keep your soul on hold. And if you are cruel and steal her books and never bring them back, then all the shame on you my friend for you may find yourself a sorrowing book on a black painted shelf in the library of a tiny demoness.
She needs a home that loves books as much as she, and you may find that once she is there that you have books on your shelf that were never there before. And when you go out shopping books will hop in your cart, and you will never leave a bookshop without a sad little book or two. Flea markets, garage sales and boot sales will be the place where you cannot resist the call of the poor little books and their inky tears and cries. For once Amarantha the tiny demoness lives in your home you’re under her spell too.
Amarantha stands about 7 in tall. she is made from cotton, vintage buttons, vintage doily, and yarn. She was stained up with a mixture of coffee, vanilla and cinnamon. She is a primitive style doll and meant for grown up kids, as small children may work her buttons apart. Amarantha comes with pretty card with her story typed on it with a vintage typewriter. She will be wrapped in vintage dress pattern paper.
Thank you for having a look at Amarantha and reading her story. Please convo me with any questions you may have.
Meet Dexter the imp. A small and lonely little creature, prone to mischief, bouts of melancholia, procrastination, and is addicted to bad sci-fi movies. Dexter will tell anyone that he used to be a well renowned actor appearing as one of the goblins in Labyrinth. I don’t believe a word of it, imps are notorious liars, and after all he is an imp and not a goblin.
When I said they used puppets in the Labyrinth he didn’t take to kindly to me and ran off in a huff. Later I found that all my bookmarks were removed from my books, the cutlery was in the wrong place in the cutlery drawer (I really hate that), and all the labels peeled off the cans. It probably wasn’t my wisest move calling him a liar to his face.
Dexter is wickedly good at procrastination and can be paid off in chocolate coins and Haribo sweets to leave you alone to get on with things... but if you let him he will show you the best websites for losing time and video games to steal your day. He has a way of generating messes that make you forget about the job you were meant to be doing. He has a knack for finding the trashiest shows on TV that somehow magically seem to be on when you walk past the room and you just sit down for a minute, three hours later you are still sitting there. But like I said he is easily bribed, and quite easily distracted by shiny things.
Dexter is tolerably good at revenge as well, if he doesn’t get distracted by cakes and TV, you can send him off to annoy those driven people that always get things done and never ever procrastinate. Is that a good thing? Probably not but everyone should procrastinate a bit. If you ever feel the need to sit down with a bowl of popcorn and watch a terrible movie on Syfy, then Dexter is your man...er imp, though the movie quotes can get on your nerves.
Coat the bottom of a large pan (one that has a lid) with a few tablespoons vegetable oil.
Add 1/2 cup popcorn kernels.
Cover pan.
Turn stovetop burner to medium or medium-high heat.
Let kernels cook, shaking occasionally to prevent burning.
When the popping slows to 3 to 5 seconds between pops, remove pan from burner.
Allow to cool a minute or two.
pinkish red popcorn
For the Vanilla Syrup
Mix milk and sugar in a sauce pan and on medium heat bring to a boil.
Careful not to let it burn and do not scrape the sides of the pan or the sugar will crystallize.
Add vanilla extract (or any other flavouring) and your choice of food colouring (we used blue and red as I got vetoed on the black food colouring *sulk* I have two bottles of the crap to use up) and mix well.
Place the popcorn in a large bowl then pour the hot liquid over it and coat as evenly as you can, you can put as much or as little syrup over the popcorn as you like.
Spread baking paper to dry. You can place the baking paper onto baking trays and place in a low oven (200°F or 100°Cfor 10-15 minutes to help dry out (harden) the popcorn.
vaguely teal-ish blue popcorn
cook’s notes: the recipe has been lurking in my big blue folder of random recipes that hides behind the bowls in the cupboard, I have no idea where I wrote it down from but my guess is that there will be hundreds of diffrent versions on the interwebs to play with. It was fun to make though I don’t think I used half the syrup that the recipe makes, so next time I think I will halve the amount of syrup and see how that goes. H picked the colours red and blue, though I was rather low on blue food colouring so it came out a rather nice shade of teal, and the red is more a very dark pink than a true red. It tasted lovely with the vanilla, and H and his little friend J thought it was great fun to help make, and more fun to eat of course.
today's post was brought to you by the letter P
P for popcorn
p for popcorn on my carped
and p for being p'd off at blogger messing about while I try to blog this.