I've not done much crafting as I have a bit of a cold and am waiting on an order of beads but I will be adding this bracelet to the shop as well as the java jacket that I knit while in Idaho, I hope to try to knit a few more to add to the shop, that have to be more people out there addicted to coffee than just me and M... right? and its environmentally friendly to not take the cardboard one that is offered.

Ooh I have just been distracted by the postman bringing me beads and a package from GingerMonkey!
I LOVE that java jacket - what a great idea!
nice necklace too BTW
bracelet i mean, obviously!
annieb- thank you! and I just have to say that the more I see that teapot cozy the more I love it... I haven't got a teapot though so...
have just come over specially to admire your lustrous locks, as cooed over on Katy's blog. They are as lovely as described, and the jewellery is pretty damn fine too x
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