Here is the work in progress form of my little button thief... her name is Martha but that's a secret so shhhhh... She should be finding worms in the garden, and storing seeds but she has a button addictions. So best mind your buttons ladies, because Martha is very good at being a very bad little birdy.. Buttons are her currency and she means to steal them.
oooh, i am a button addict too (tho' not as bad as SOME I know!)...better close my windows...looking lovely Apryl
I think he might be my fav so far ...
Love the baddie mask !
I am also a button thief, I steal them from wherever I can!!! (not shops though...only spare ones from people's clothes and stuff)
Love that little birdy - brill!
Wow - Hello little birdy :)
*Imagines Katy runing around with scisors nicking peoples buttons as they walk past*
I think she is one of my favourite little characters.. right up there with my little owl.. oh and the pug. Percivil really needs his own post one of these days.
I love this picture - it's so sweet!
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