I have been thinking about doing another swap, and of all the ideas bouncing around my head the idea for a book and craft swap appeals to me the most. Mainly because I love books. I know I'm not the only book geek out there. I think it would be a great way to send along favourite books to a new home, and to get something new in return. I have lots of books, Matt is forever going on about me getting rid of them and I can't do that. Books are my friends and if they are going to go somewhere then they need to go to someone who would appreciate them.
So who is with me? (please leave a comment and email me at meridianariel @ hotmail . com )
your parcel must contain:
a book (used any genre as long as you and your partner discuss what books you want/would like to have)
a hand crafted item or two
a treat (it can be a craft supply or some chocolate to nibble upon when you are reading your new book.)
parcel must be sent out by: the 1st of August.
a bit about you and your crafts:
book genres you read (sci fi, fantasy, horror, craft, fiction, steampunk, graphic novels, teen, biography, etc etc):
favourite books:
last book read:
a favourite quote:
favourite colour (s):
the swap sign up will close the end of the first week of July.
the swap will be international so our books can go farther and we find new crafty pen friends from across the globe.
When you are finished with the book you can pass it on to someone else and keep the spirit of bookish crafting going.
any questions?
Oh! me me me me purlease - just my type of swap...delicious... may not be able to email you until later as am only having a quick minute on comp while some glue dries...
DEFINITELY in though!
Kisses X
I want to, but I still need to post the fantasy one {shame}
Yeah. I'm up for it. Won't be able to email you the questionaire till next week though.
Me! Love the idea of this swap, planning already :) Will e-mail you questionnaire as soon as I can
Oh, oh, me please!!!
I'm in too :D
Ooh I'm new to this blog (followed the link on another blog), but would it be okay to sign up, this sounds fun!
I'm on holiday for the first two weeks of July but I should still have enough time to do this - no other swaps on the go at the moment.
This is just up my alley!!! Yummy reading, yummy treats. I'll be there!
I'd love to participate, this sounds like so much fun! I will email the questionaire!
Also, saw on your profile that you are in Derbyshire...curious as to where...I have friends in a tiny village there, and I visited them a few years ago!
i'd be interested! would we be sending vintage or new books? paperback or hardback? cool swap idea!
I'm in... sounds like my kind of swap!
Definitely count me in! I am new to 'swapping' and have just joined Swap bot but this sounds like a perfect swap for me and I look forward to taking part =D Shall email the questionaire to you quick smart!
I love this idea and would love to join. I too am a book collector and I love swaps. Sounds perfect!
I'm on for this! I'll need to get the e-mail sorted asap.
I'm in! Will email asap!
Oh Oh me :) Will email you now :D
ooh, I'd like to do this one please! will send email soon as. :)
Oooh, yes please! Will get my details to you later - just off to buy camping stuff now.
Oh yes! I'd love to be in!
oh i want to do this :) my email is melanie_cammarata at hotmail i would email you but i found this as i was heading to bed at 1 am and i'm super tired. i'll email tomorrow ")
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