I hope everyone is happily finishing off their bookish craft swap parcels and happily sending the off to their new homes. I will be sending mine off a little later...its finished I just need the chance to wrap it and run up to the post office without a lot of whinging from a certain 6 1/2 year old.
I started a flickr group for the swap so please pop your photos in the pool and leave a link to your blog there too!
I know a few of you are running late with the swap that's OK as long as your partner knows... summer is a busy time filled with obnoxious needy children taking up all that precious crafty time. I hope you all had fun with the swap and enjoy your goodies and books!
I hope you get to the post office with a minimal amount of whining! I have to go later this week and know it will be terrible with my little friend!
Nic and I have swapped ours, albeit a week late! Thank you for organising the swap Apryl, it was such fun! I have blogged my stuff and what Nic sent me
and will upload pics to flickr when it decided I'm, allowed! x
My blog post is here...http://wilbertandherma.blogspot.com/2010/08/carfty-book-swap.html thanks for hosting the swap. :D
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